December Journal Prompts

The winter months bring about a certain hibernation and inward excursion. December is all about diving into the core of yourself, finding your most authentic self, and learning to express it accurately. Use these journal prompts to closer align to who you are.

  1. What have you been searching for lately?

  2. What, in your life right now, do you think most defines you?

  3. When do you feel most yourself?

  4. Have you been authentic to yourself?

  5. What can you do to feel more like yourself?

  6. What activities make you feel authentic to yourself?

  7. When you think of your future, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Visuals, places, people, etc

  8. How have you changed since January?

  9. What have you learned this year?

  10. What’s your biggest wish for 2024?

  11. What song, book, or piece of media resonated most with you this year?

  12. If you could only use one album to define your year, what album would it be?

  13. Do you feel like you’re meeting yourself where you’re at?

  14. What are you most looking forward to right now?

  15. Write a release and receive to end the year

  16. What have you accomplished this year that you can be proud of?

  17. Do you feel like you’ve made progress?

  18. Did you find what you were looking for this year?

  19. How do you want to do things differently next year?

  20. In what ways do you want to change your life?

  21. How could you step towards those changes tomorrow?

  22. What aspects of your life feel the least authentic?

  23. Where do you struggle to express yourself? Why?

  24. Where do you find inspiration?

  25. Do you think you view yourself differently from how others view you?

  26. What shapes your perspective of yourself?

  27. How can you feel more aligned to your most authentic self?

  28. Spend a day, or evening, doing only the things that make you feel most like yourself

  29. Curate an outfit, a playlist, or make a list that accurately represents you

  30. Ask your friends what words they would use to describe you, how does this differ from the way you’d describe yourself?

  31. Write a note to your future self, describing all the ways you hope to be, and what you want to accomplish, and how you’re coming into your own. Include anything of relevance, let it take you wherever it goes. Put it somewhere you might stumble upon in a few months or years or set a reminder to open it in a year.


January Journal Prompts


10 Things I Can’t Live Without