Seasonal Cleansing Guide: Body, Mind, Spirit, Space

It’s as good a time as any to start a seasonal change. I love to do a deep cleanse to usher in new energy during the Spring and Fall. These seasons symbolize the new levels of mindsets, habits, and rituals I’d like to call in.

I like to focus on four specific topics during a seasonal cleanse: body, mind, spirit, and space. I try to dedicate time to really dig into each area, decluttering, releasing, and sifting through unneeded tensions.

Body: The body seems to hold the most unnoticed tension for me. Anytime I feel deep stress and discomfort, I realize it is usually because I haven’t focused on moving my body lately. Any sort of movement can help to release whatever has built up for you, but a few of my personal favorites are yoga and taking a nature walk. I find that doing free stretches, moving your body in any way you feel it needs to, paired with yoga poses, unlocks a lot of the tension of you feel but may not be able to pinpoint. Taking time to focus on any movement at least a few minutes a day can make a huge difference in how present you feel within your body, and how connected you feel to your physicality.

Mind: My favorite activity to release old habits and mindsets is the Gratitude, Desires, Release journal activity. I give myself all the space I need for each section and make separate lists of what I’m grateful for in my present season of life, the desires I want to call in, and everything I’d like to step away from.

It helps me to find where I’m truly unhappy while also focusing on the aspects of life I’m thankful for. After the fact, I feel a clearer sense of knowing what I need to change in my life, and this brings me a little closer to the things I truly appreciate about my life.

* You can find more exercises like this in my Dig Deeper guide, designed to help you pinpoint areas in your life you’d like to work through, while also emphasizing the qualities of life you enjoy.

Spirit: A spiritual cleanse is probably my favorite way to cleanse. There are numerous ways to do a spiritual cleanse and it is up to you what feels the most connected and effective. A few of my go-to ways to cleanse are by taking cleansing baths; I like to mix in essential oils and epsom salt while I think of the stress and tension washing away, usually writing a few intentions down for what I’d like to let go of. Another way to spiritually reset is a good meditation. Find a calming spot and just let your thoughts flow. Don’t try to stop them, speak over them, or indulge them. Simply let them float through with no judgement, just observation.

Space: As for my space, I love a good declutter and sage. I find that seasonal decluttering helps me to manage the amount of items I own, which I feel I am always trying to dwindle down. It lets me evaluate what material items I find important in any particular season, and I’ve noticed that a physical declutter usually fast tracks a mental and spiritual elevation. It’s as if I’m making space for the new changes I am beckoning into my life.

You can mix and match these activities to suit your needs, wherever you feel tension, whenever you’d like a little reset in your life. Happy cleansing!


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April Journal Prompts