Old Beliefs

Change begins unnoticably.

It begins with stagnation and a sickness of it. I’ve been craving movement and growth and shedding of my skin. Old beliefs keep popping up in my life, reminding me of things I need to release but haven’t dug into to find the root of the problem.

It’s time for Spring cleaning, inside and out. I’m realizing in order to move forward I have to replace these old beliefs with ones that will better equip me for the future I want. With this mental switch comes physical clear-outs too, digging through my closet and drawers and deciding what’s worth keeping or giving away.

I’ve felt myself in a state of stagnancy for a while, with no inspiration or passion flowing in from anywhere and I’ve found that these deep cleanings always seem to kickstart a little movement. Taking inventory of my mindset, my beliefs, and perspective, and freshening them up with new ones, ones that serve the season that I am in and ones that help guide me to the places I want to be in, seem to set me in motion closer to the life I truly want to live and show me where I’m not living within that.

I find it important to do this routinely to keep myself in check, to make sure I’m still in parallel with the person I want to be. It’s a seasonal shedding if you will.

What old beliefs that may have served you previously, no longer serve you? What beliefs are you carrying into your future that don’t correlate with the lifestyle you want to live?

One of my favorite ways to release old beliefs and stagnancy is to pair it with a physical declutter. Once a season I let go of all the clothes I no longer wear, all the material items that no longer bring me joy, and a mental checklist of all the hobbies and activities I find myself participating in. If they don’t feel like me and I no longer resonate with it, I release all of it with gratitude and welcome in abundance elsewhere.

Maybe you find yourself leading a life that doesn’t feel completely authentic to you. Take inventory of what you own, who you hang out with, and what you spend a majority of your daily life doing. What areas of your life feel stagnant? Are there new activities you could replace them with to align yourself closer to your highest self?

You are in control of what you believe. You have the power to change your life for the best, by believing in yourself and setting new beliefs in motion. Release what doesn’t serve you. Let go of what is holding you back. You can begin anew with fresh perspectives as often as you’d like. And the universe will welcome you with a level better than before.


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