June Journal Prompts

June is all about the physical. Step into your body, trick your mind to run when you really want to freeze. June calls you to jump into the deep end- do something that scares you, and what better way to do that than live with your fears and tap into your deepest desires? When answering these prompts, try to dig deeper into the why behind each answer.

  1. Where is it easy for you to take action in life?

  2. What aspect of your life has the most movement?

  3. Where have you noticed growth in your life?

  4. Are your actions aligning with your desires?

  5. How can you bridge the gap between the want and truth of your life?

  6. When’s the last time you moved when you wanted to freeze?

  7. What’s something physical that scares you? Approaching others, jumping into a lake, trying a new style, etc. Why does it scare you?

  8. What goals have you made for yourself in the last month?

  9. What’s the funnest thing you’ve done lately?

  10. Where is it difficult to take action in your life?

  11. What song do you feel represents you the most accurately right now?

  12. What is your mantra for comfort? If you don’t have one, make one now.

  13. What is your mindset towards doing uncomfortable things?

  14. What book/movie do you feel represents your true self? What parts do you identify with?

  15. What’s your favorite way to unwind?

  16. Make a game plan for those days that feel off. What can you do to ensure you still feel okay at the end of the day? (i.e. previous mantras)

  17. What do you want to be when you grow up?

  18. What labels do you identify yourself with? Do they feel accurate?

  19. What is your biggest fear? (Jot down the first few that come to mind, usually the ones that come up later are the most accurate)

  20. What motivates you?

  21. What does self love look like?

  22. Where do your priorities lie?

  23. What’s the last thing you gave?

  24. How often do childhood memories come up?

  25. When’s the last time you went somewhere new?

  26. Check-in: How are you feeling?

  27. What are you currently releasing?

  28. What are you receiving?

  29. What do you want more of?

  30. How are you creating opportunities for yourself?


Continental Social Vol. 5


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